Journal Publications
Academic Publications
The Emergence of New Organizational Forms and Industries Powered by Digital Technology
Digital Transformation
Entrepreneurial Positioning and Framing
ESG: Corporate Governance & Social Responsibility
Diffusion of Innovations
Research Interest
Changing corporate governance in response to negative media reports, British Journal of Management, 2019. (with I. Okhmatovskiy)
Unintended Negative Effects of the Legitimacy-Seeking Behavior of Social Enterprises on Employee Attitudes. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018. (with S.Y. Lee, S.H. Park, & S. Kim)
How and when do callings predict job performance? The role of organizational commitment and ideological contract fulfillment, Human Relations, 2018. (with S.S. Kim, H. Vough, P.F. Hewlin, & C. Vandenberghe) "Selected as Top Papers Published in 2018"
Making the foreign familiar: The influence of top management team and board of directors characteristics on the adoption of foreign practices, Journal of World Business, 2016. (with R. Seidle & I. Okhmatovskiy)
Working projects
Emergence and status attainment of online newspapers.
CEO Compensation Structures and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)